Christophe's and Karen's whereabouts in the land of the kangoroos

Les aventures de christophe et karen au pays des Kangourous

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English :
So what did i learn today....let's talk about horse meat. For a long time i wondered why in some country, eating horse meat is regarded as good for you, and in some others it is bad bad bad christophe bad!..... The answer is religious..check this out:

"Horse was commonly eaten in many countries in pre-Christian Europe, but not in Islamic or Jewish countries, since under Mosaic Law horse meat is considered unclean because it conformed to the formula of an animal that was not at the same time cloven-hoofed and cud-chewing. In pre-Christian times horse meat eating in northern Europe figured prominently in Teutonic religious ceremonies, particularly those associated with the worship of the god Odin.

In 732 A.D. Pope Gregory III began a concerted effort to stop this pagan practice, and it has been said that the people of Iceland were reluctant to embrace Christianity for some time largely over the issue of giving up horse meat. In some countries the effects of this prohibition by the Catholic Church have lingered, and horse meat prejudices have progressed from taboos to avoidance to abhorrence. Today, however, horse meat is commonly consumed in many European countries"

Source: USDA Promotes the Eating of Horse & Goat Meat

And I am saying.. WTF! and let's all enjoy it!

That's all folks for today, and keep clicking on the ads on the right hand side :)
see Ya

Francais :
Bon, qu'ai je bien pu apprendre aujourd'hui.... Parlons viande de cheval!
La question etant pourquoi dans certains pays le cheval est considere comme bon pour la sante, et dans d'autres mauvais? La reponse est religieuse.. je ne vais pas traduire tout l'article ci-dessus mentionne, mais en gros, c'est le travail du Pape gregoire II en l'An 732 qui en essayant de diminuer l'influence des coutumes payiennes sur le peuple, a rendu la viande de cheval impropre a la consommation....les mentalites dans certains pays on ensuite evolues pour la rendre Taboo (Uk - USA etc....).
Pour en savoir un peu plus un article traduit en Francais par google est a votre dispo...

voila pour aujourd'hui
n'oubliez pas les pubs a droite..merci

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  • I'm Christophe Mallet
  • From Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy ; il y aura toujours des fous pour faire des choses, des cons pour les suivres, et des sages pour ne rien faire ; Day by day there's a man in a suit that is gonna make you pay.
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