Christophe's and Karen's whereabouts in the land of the kangoroos

Les aventures de christophe et karen au pays des Kangourous

Australian Grand Prix 2008


English : This weekend was the Australian Grand Prix, held here in Melbourne (God you gotta love Melbourne!) - It was needless to say bloody hot - we had 42.4 on Friday, 37 on Saturday and almost 40 today!!!! - All in all the race was good, and fun.

Français : Ce weekend c'etait le Grand Prix (y a trop de truc a Melbourne!) - Il a fait trop chaud.. 42.4 Vendredi, 37 Samedi et 40 aujourd'hui! on a gentillement cuit!

All pictures of the race here || Toutes les photos du weekend

L'apres course || Aftermath of the race

All pictures of the race here || Toutes les photos du weekend

About me

  • I'm Christophe Mallet
  • From Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  • Part of being sane, is being a little bit crazy ; il y aura toujours des fous pour faire des choses, des cons pour les suivres, et des sages pour ne rien faire ; Day by day there's a man in a suit that is gonna make you pay.
  • My profile

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